Мої уроки

Конспект відкритого уроку у 6 класі
з теми: “
Sports and games”.
Мета уроку:
·        Узагальнити знання учнів з теми: “Sports and games”.
·        Вдосконалювати навички та уміння.
Задачі: 1. Освітні:
·        Поглибити та розширити знання учнів з пройденої теми.
·        Закріпити пройдений лексичний та граматичний матеріал.
2. Розвиваючі:
·        Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.
·        Розвивати навички читання та письма.
·        Розвивати пам'ять, логіку, мислення, активність учнів.
3. Виховні:
·        Підвищувати мотивацію учнів до вивчення англійської мови.
·        Виховувати уміння працювати в групі та індивідуально.
·        Прищеплювати любов до спорту.

Обладнання: проектор з екраном, ноутбук, картки із завданнями, кубик, макет телевізора.
                                                                         Хід уроку
1.     Організаційний момент. (7 хв.)
Привітання. (1 хв.)
Учитель: - The bell has gone. Stand up, please.
Good morning, boys and girls! 
Учні: - Good Morning to the school,
             Good morning to the flag,
             Good morning to the pencils and the pens.
             Good morning to the teacher,
             Good morning to the guests,
             Good morning to learning with my friends!
2) Ознайомлення з назвою, тематикою та цілями уроку
Т : Today we are going to finish our topic “Sports and games”. We shall do different exercises: we shall act the dialogue, and then we’ll revise some grammar material and so on.
So, our tasks for today are:
·        To develop and broaden knowledge on the topic “Sports and Games”;
·        To fix lexical and grammatical material;
·        To develop speaking, reading and listening skills;
·        To increase motivation to learning English;
·        To ensure interest to the sport.
3) Мовленнєва зарядка (робота над віршем)
Well, now look at the screen. There is a poem on it.

 First I read and you listen to me very attentively:
Sport is fun for boys and girls.
It’s much better than the toys.
You can sledge, and ski, and skate,
And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun!
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1.     Вправа «What kind of sport is it» ( на екрані з являються малюнки різних видів спорту , учні називають вид спорту)
2.     Робота в парах . Let`s play a game «I and you, уou and I»
(один учень називає три слова з певного виду спорту, інший відгадує вид спорту.)
3.     Робота в групах. Quiz: Linguistic football ? (метод кубування)
( одна група описує якусь спортивну гру, інша – знаходить на кубику відповідне слово з правильною відповіддю)
1. It is for two teams of six players. You need a ball and a high net. You play a ball with your hands. ( Volleyball)
1   . There are  two teams of eleven players. The players kick a ball with their feet. (football)
2   . Sportsmen do some exercises and dance on the ice. They have very nice costumes. (Figure skating).
4.     Слухання полілогу носіями мови (відео запис)
(учні в групах проводять анкетування використовуючи почуті фрази з почутого полілогу What is your favourite sport? What sport would you like to do?  Підводять підсумки).

What is your favourite sport?

 What sport would you like to do?

________likes___________but (and) she (he)would like___________________
________is fond of___________but (and) she (he)would __________________
          ________is interested in___________but (and) she (he)would like___________
         ________ is crazy about__________but (and) she (he)would like____________
________favourite sport is___________but (and) she (he)would like_________
5.     Фізкультхвилинка «Clap your hands»
6.     Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
Т: Your task is:
Make up dialogues and you’ll get information about famous sportsmen of the world.
Dialogue 1
1. What famous boxers of the world do you know?
-Muhammad Ali? What country is he from?
-I know Ukrainian boxers Volodymyr and Vitali Klytchko, Muhammad Ali.
-He is from the USA. He was a professional  boxer and a social  activist.
-He was an Olympic Champion and  a Champion of the World.
-What results did he have?
Dialogue 2
1. Do you like football?
-Do know any football players?
-Yes, I do.
-Yes, of course, and one of them is Pele. He is “a King of football”
- Because he played football very well and became one of the youngest champions in the history of football.
-Why did he have such name?
Dialogue 3
1.What do you know about Michael  Schumacher?
-He is one of the most  successful car racing drivers in the world.
-He is from Germany.
-What county is he from?
-What teams did he defend?
-He was a member of Benetton, Ferrari и Mersedes.
-He was a champion of  Formula 1 and Formula 3.
-What results did he have?
(учитель просить учнів зручно вміститися на своїх місцях та уявно вмикає макет телевізора)
Reporter: Hello, my name is Liza, I am a journalist from London. I represent the famous British magazine "Sporty Fan". I would like to interview you about sportsmen.  Can I ask questions to you?(учні розігрують складені діалоги)
7.     Розвиток монологічного мовлення
8.      Projekt (Захист проектних робіт)
T: The last task is the task for the leaders. The hometask. You must go to the board and present their  project work. What  do you want to tell us about. (три учні захищають свої проекти)
(У цей час слабші учні виконують завдання на карточках «Play,go,do» 

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1.     Підсумок уроку
Т:-So, what did you like in our today’s lesson?
 -And now it’s time to estimate yourselves.
Учитель роздає карточки для самооцінювання
         Self-assessment (самооцінка):
Decide how well you know it:
 Now I can…
1. name words and word-combinations on the topic “Sports and Games”
2. use these words and word-combinations in dialogues
3. ask and answer the questions on the topic
4. present projects about your favorite sports
  Учитель: Now please open your diaries. Write down your home task.
              You should write an email to your pen-friend about your Sports Day.
Учитель: Thank you for your work.  Give me your diaries for marks. The lesson is over.

 Topic: The Royal Teа Party
Objectives: students will be able to work successfully in small groups and in pairs; practice topical vocabulary; improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills; reveal creativity, develop imagination.
Equipment: a film” Garden parties”, audio tracks for listening , sheets of paper with the tasks for groups and pairs, a copy of an invitation to the Royal Garden Party, a presentation.


 1. Greeting          Nice to see you. How are you today?
Dear boys and girls we’re meeting to speak about the RGP and the British Queen. This is the Queen Her Majesty Elizabeth the second. She is 89 years old and she lives in London in Buckingham Palace. But the best people of her Kingdom and from all over the world have a chance to have a cup of tea with her
2. Aim Today you will watch the Royal Teа Party and read some interesting information about it.
We are going to revise the pronouns some and any; words and word combinations on the theme  ”Food”.
By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about the Royal garden parties and tea with the Queen..

3. Warming up. Let’s start and at the very beginning lets revise the words of the topic.
Look at the pictures and name the food you can see.
 Look at the pictures and answer the questions:
Is this food delicious?
What is there in this dish?
Can you prepare it?
What are the ingredients of the dish
Does your mum prepare it?
Is it tasty?
Have you ever tasted this dish?
Can your father prepare borshch?
Who can prepare pizza?
Is it your favorite dish?
What is your favorite recipe?
Would you like to taste it?

4. Listening.
1) Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences with some and any.
Remember :
We use some for affirmative sentences. (+)
We use any for negative sentences. (-)
We use any for questions. (?)
Dialogue 1
Artem: Let’s have ________ some lunch.
Olena: Good idea. Are there  ________ any pizzas in the fridge?
Artem: No, there aren’t.
Olena: What have we got?
Artem: There’s  ________ some cheese. And there’s  ________ some ham.
Olena: Is there  ________ any butter?
Artem: Yes, there is.
Olena: OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches.
Artem: Ah. There’s a problem.
Olena: What is it?
Artem: We haven’t got ________ any bread.

2) Work in pairs. Complete the second part of the dialogue with some and any.
Listen to the dialogue and correct your mistakes.
Read it for your class.
Dialogue 1
Olena: Is there  ________ any pasta?
Artem: Yes, there is.
Olena: Let’s make  ________ some tomato sauce for the pasta.
Artem: We haven’t got  ________ any tomatoes.
Olena: Are there ________ any mushrooms?
Artem: No, there aren’t. But there’s ________ some money on the table.
Olena: What for?
Artem: Let’s go out and buy ________ some chips!

Do you know that British children bring chips to school in their lunch-boxes! Do you bring packed lunch or have your lunch in the school canteen!

5. Speaking. Do you like to have dinner in the school canteen?
                     What would you choose to create the school menu?
Work in groups.
Group 1. On Monday, on Thursday.
Group 2. On Tuesday, on Friday.
Group 3. On Wednesday, for the Queen.
Use the words and word combinations:
Drinks :
A chocolate milkshake,
An orange juice,
Salad :
Cabbage salad,
Carrot salad,
Tuna salad,
Main course:
Pasta with ham and cheese,
Potatoes with roast salmon,
Beef and mushroom pie,
Vegetable soup with garlic bread,
Cheese omelette with chips,
Chicken curry with rice,
Toasted cheese and tomato sandwich,
Eggs with bacon,
Pork with peppers and onions.

Desserts :
Start your answer with                   We would like to choose

Do you recognise these people?

Would you like to have a cup of tea with the Queen?
I invite you to the Royal Garden Party. Let’s enjoy together!
6. Watching the video. Speaking about the Royal Garden Parties.
1) Can you count people on the video?
2) What are the ladies wearing?
3) How do the gentlemen look like?
4) What is the weather like this day?
5) What do they do at the garden party?
6) Do you want to take part in the Royal garden party?

7. But it is not so easy to get the party. You need the invitation. But you are lucky! You’ve got the real invitation on your desks. You can also see it on the screen.
Look at the picture.

Let’s imagine that you and your friend are invited to the RGP. You are preparing for this event and your next task is to order the phrases to make the dialogue.
Jane: Hi Tom!

Jane: Didn’t you forget that we have got the invitation to the royal garden party?

Jane: And I’ve even bought a new smart dress and a bonnet. Would you like to see my new bonnet?

Jane: OK. I dream about the Royal Tea Party.

Tom: Hallo Jane!
Tom: No, I didn’t! I am so excited! I’ll see the Queen!
Tom: No, I’ll see it at the party.
Tom: And I dream about the fruit baskets and the Royal apple juice.

8 Reading
Here you can see some pictures of the RGP party.  Imagine you are somewhere in the crowd.
And now you’ll read the text to get some more interesting information about the RGP.

Garden Parties
There are four Royal garden parties every year- one in Scotland and three at Buckingham Palace in London. About 10,000 people go to each party. The government and many different charities all help to choose the guests.
The party starts at three o’clock in the afternoon. Two military bands play there. The guests listen to music and walk around the beautiful gardens. They drink tea, coffee or apple juice and eat sandwiches and cakes. In a hot day there is an extra surprise – an ice-cream.  At a typical garden party, the guests consume around 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake.
At four o’clock, the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, join the party. It’s a chance for the Royal Family to meet and talk to the public. Everyone has a chance of speaking to Her Majesty and members of her family. The party finishes at six o’clock.

to consume / kens`jum/ споживати

I hope you understood everything.  Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.
Are the sentences true or false?
1.     There are four Royal garden parties at Buckingham Palace in London every year.
2.     The Royal Family chooses all the guests.
3.     The Royal garden parties start at 3 and finish at 6 o’clock in the afternoon.
4.     The guests drink tea, but they do not drink coffee or apple juice.
5.     The guests do not eat at the parties.
6.     The Queen and her husband go to all the garden parties.

8.Writing.Work in groups.
Group 1.  Write information about the timetable of the party.
Group 2.  Write information about food and drinks.
Group 3.  Write information about the Queen.
9.Speaking. Imagine that you are preparing a Royal Sandwich. What would you put on it?
10.Homework.             Make a Royal Sandwich.
                                   Take a photo.
       Send your photo on my e-mail
11. Summarizing: At our today’s lesson we’ve spoken much about RGP.
Do you want to take part in the Royal garden party? Why?
I am also lucky to work with you. You are the brilliant students. And I’ll put you the excellent marks.

 “Our School Life”
The Objectives:
·        to practices pupils’ oral speech based on familiar grammar structures
·        to activate pupils’ vocabulary
·        to develop pupils’ language skills using interactive forms (group work, games, reciting poems, singing songs, etc
·        to develop pupils’ thinking, imagination and creativity.
-          Handouts with different activities for the teams.
-          Pupils’ photos on the topic: “Our School Life”.
-          Pupils’ project work.
-          The exhibits: children’s books, creativity of pupils’.

Teacher: Good morning dear children! How are you?
Pupils: Good morning dear teacher!
Good morning, how are you?
We are very happy to say Hello to you!
We are all in our places with sun shining faces.
Warming Up
Teacher: Thank you. You look nice today. Them I would to thank our gests for coming.
This little girl is our guest too. Would you like to get accounted with her?
Pupil 1:  What is your name?
Pupil 2: What is your surname?
Pupil 3: How old are you?
Pupil 4: Where do you live?
Pupil 5: What country are you from?
Pupil 6: How are you?
Pupil 7: Do you like to go to school?
The girl: No, I don’t. I don’t like to go to school because school life is difficult! Lessons, lessons every day! We have to dear, to write, to learn. It’s bored. As for me, I like to play…
Teacher:  Come here my dear. Sit down. Listen to the pupils. And you, dear pupils of the fourth form, you have to help this little girl to understand that school life is exiting and it’s wonderful to be a pupil. I invite you to take a place and to introduce your project work.
(The pupils take the places)
Teacher: The proverb says: “Every day is not Sunday”. What it means?
pupil 1: It means…
pupil 2: It means…
pupil 3: It means…
Teacher: So, don’t waste time. Let’s begin. Today we are going to speak about our school life. The subject of our lesson is “Our School Life”. We have to discuss about:
-Our School
-Our Favourite School Subject
-After School Activities. Leisure Time.
Main Part
Vocabulary Revision
Teacher: We start the presentation of our school. Look at the photos and say:” what can you see in our school?”
pupil 1: We can see…
pupil 2: There is…
pupil 3: There are…
Teacher:  We have guests today let’s organize for them and excursion around our school.
Project Presentation:
Team 1
Pupil 1: Well com to our school! Utconossivca  school is nice building. It was build in 1964. The windows are big and the walls are grey. There are many nice, light and well equipped classrooms in our school. More than 400 pupils study here.
There is a big flower garden in front of our school. We can see many trees in the school garden. We like to plant them every spring and autumn.
Pupil 2: Our school museum is one of the most visited places in our school. It was created by pupils and teachers. Now it is rich in unique things and facts. The exhibits tell us about the life and times of the people of our village. The walls are decorated with pictures, things, illustrating, the history of our village. Interesting excursions are often held here.
Pupil 3: This is our library. It is not very big, but there are many different books here. The librarian is very polite and she is always ready to help us. There is a small reading room in the library where we can look  through the encyclopaedias or surf the internet and write out the necessary information.
Pupil 4: this is a big gymnasium in our school. We have our physical training lessons here. The gym is not very well equipped but we like to come here. We play basketball, tennis, football and many other games.
Pupil 5: Our school has a very good canteen. It is a big, light room. We can see many tables with benches at each of them. A lot of young pupils have dinner after the lessons here. The food is tasty and healthy. There is a big variety. 
Pupil 6: There are two computer rooms in our school. All this rooms a well equipped with modern computers and facilities. The pupils have the lessons of Computer Studies here. They can also come here after the lessons to look for necessary information in the internet or make projects and reports.
Pupil 7: This is our Assembly Hall. It is very beautiful, comfortable and big. Different concerts and meetings  are held in the Assembly Hall. The pupils like to decorate it for different holidays.
Pupil 8: This is our classroom. It is not very big, but light. There are two big windows in our classroom. The ceiling and the door are white. The floor is brown. The walls are yellow. We can see a green blackboard on the wall. There are 15 tables with 30 chairs of each of them. We can see many flower ports in or classroom.  There are many books, pictures and maps here.  We use them at the lessons. We read texts, write exercises in this room.
At the end of our tour I’d like to say that we like this some what not old building. We are proud of our Utconossivca school.
Dear guests, classmates and teacher our excursion has finished. I hope very much that you have enjoyed it.

Game “Why go to school?”:
Teacher:  Dear children, I enjoyed your tour very much. You are beautiful guides. It seems to me you like our school, but school is not only places where we go. Help me to answer the question: “Why do you go to school?”
pupil 1: I like to go to school, because we learn to be friends.
pupil 2: In my mind, school life is interesting, because we learn about science.
pupil 3: I think, we go to school to learn, to read, to write,  how to work successfully  don’t waste time.
pupil 4: It’s nice to go to school, you can practise our school skills here.
pupil 5: As for me, I like to go to school , because we learn about our planet, we learn to take care of animals, of flowers.
pupil 6: I’m certain,  we have to go to school, because only at school we learn to understand ourselves and other people.
pupil 7: At school we learn about citizenship.
pupil 8: As for me, I like to learn about family leaving at school.
pupil 9: I know for sure, that only at school we learn to communicate.
pupil 10: We learn how to make the right steps in our life.
Teacher: Do you remember, Iulia doesn’t like to learn poems at school. And you?
I know for sure, you like poems. Let’s recite!
When the sun lights up the skies,
I sit up and rub my eyes,
I brush my teeth and comb my hair,
Dress myself with greatest care,
Then walking off to school I go
To learn the things that I must know.
Teacher: What things must you know? What subjects do you like?
pupil 1: I like…
pupil 2: My favourite subject…
Teacher: Dear children! It’s time to introduce your favourite subjects. Don’t waste time. Start your presentation!
Project Presentation:
Team 2
Pupil 1: You are right. At school we learn don’t waste time and work hard every day. We learn four languages: English, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian. In my mind, learning languages is very important in our days. I know, this occupation is for intelligent people. It’s very important for our future professions.  I enjoy learning languages, but English I like best of all. At the lesson we learn new words, poems, we play games, read the texts, make up and act dialogues. We sing songs with great pleasure.
Pupil 2: I want to speak about Reading lessons. We read a lot at school every day, at the every lesson. We read texts, poems, books, magazines, newspapers. Reading is necessary for pupils. It’s a source of knowledge. It teaches us to be kind, clever, attentive to people, hard working, brave. Books are our friends. They help us to solve all the problems that we are faced with.
Pupil 3: Mathematics is difficult but very interesting lesson. We have maths two times a week. Plus, minus, greater, less, are magical words of every lesson. We learn to subtract, to add, to multiply, to divide. To find the sum of the numbers, to find the difference, the missing number. We can solve equations. I think, I can solve the problems.
Pupil 4: My name is Sorin. I want to speak about Art and Craft lessons. We learn to draw at school. It is my favourite lesson, because I like to draw very much. In my opinion, only painting can arise various emotions. Our teacher paints very much. She taught us to paint nature: the birds, the animals, the flowers, the trees, the seasons, the weather, music in colours. I want to say that is my favourite subject. Look there are my works!
Pupil 5: Let me introduce the Physical Training lessons. We have three Physical Training lessons in a week. Maybe, you think it is many, as for me, it is not, because we like our lessons very much. We learn to play football, basketball, tennis. We have sport competitions we play team games. I know for sure, that pupils of over the world like Physical Training lessons.
Pupil 6: Music is my favourite subject at school. We learn to sing children’s songs and popular songs. I like classical music. It’s nice to listen to different wonderful melodies of Bah, Bethoven, Chaykovsky, Vivaldy. I can’t imagine life without music.
Pupil 7: I want to speak about my favourite subject Labour Training. Let me introduce my mother. She is a teacher. She teaches the girls of our school to knit, to sew, to embroider.
(The speech of the teacher of Labour Training)
My mum taught me to embroider. It is very exiting. I like embroidering very much. Look her are my works.
Teacher: thank you dear children, I agree with you. We learn a lot of wonderful and necessary things at school. You worked hard and now are time to have a rest! I know you like to sing songs.


(the children sing and dance)
song  “It’s time to dance”.
Game “Fun-loving Pupils”
Teacher: Thank you my dear, you are so nice! Do you remember, Iulia likes to play? And what about you? What do you like to do during your leisure time?
pupil 1: I like to…
pupil 2: It’s wonderful to…
pupil 3: My favourite occupation is…
Teacher:  It’s time to introduce your project work “Our Leisure Time. After School Activities“

Project Presentation:
Team 3
Pupil 1: Let me introduce my usually hobby. I like making different models out of clay. I have been making them for a long time. I would like to show you some of my models. I know it is not easy to make, but I like to make them.
Pupil 2: I like to write poems. I have been writing for two years. The first poem was “My Mother”.  I can sit for hours writing and expression my emotions through poetry. My occupation is very important for me.
Pupil 3: I know exactly that music is the best, because it is the key of our heart it can get inside us. With the help of music you can prepare your self for important occasions or it gave expressions to your mood. I like classical music. I take music lessons twice a week. There are different musical instruments. My friend Emma plays the piano, Beatrice plays the violin. As for me, I am found of playing the violin too.
Pupil 4: I agree with Alex. We can’t leave without music. I can’t imagine a day without music. Some people listen to music, some dance to music, some learn to play musical instruments. As for me, I like to sing songs. I sing at home, at school and during the breaks. Music is my favourite subject at school. I take part of different school concerts. I like to sing on the stage. My favourite song is “lollipop”. I would like to sing my favourite song for you.
Pupil 5: In my opinion, if you want to keep feet you must go in for sport. Every morning I do morning exercises after lessons we often have sport competitions. My school has a sport day once a year. On this day all the pupil’s of our school take part in competitions. We wear sports clothes and go to the sport ground. All the events take place at the same time. The team of our form took the first place this year. I’m sure, that we shall be the winner the next year too.
Pupil 6: Hello! My name is Andrei. I like to play football. It’s the occupation for strong people. My second hobby is dancing. It’s my friend’s hobby too. We dance together in Taraf “Dor Basarabean”. We dance on the school stage at the school party. I think, dancing is great.

Teacher:  thank you! I enjoyed your presentation. I agree with you, your occupations are interesting and necessary for you. Now look at the blackboard and try to say what things make your school life interesting and exiting. What do you like to do at school best of all?
pupil 1: As for me I like…
pupil 2: I thing…
pupil 3: In my mind…
pupil 4: In my opinion…
pupil 5: I know for sure…
Write five sentences about the things you like to do at school.

You have worked hard today. Thank you. Your marks are…
What do you think about today’s lesson? Did you like it? Say your opinion, please.
pupil 1: I liked to do project work.
pupil 2:I liked to sing songs.
pupil 3: I liked to…
pupil 4: I liked to…
Teacher: Let’s finish the lesson with our favourite song “Magic Melody”
Teacher: Thank you! Good Bye!

 Тема: Ukraine
Підтема: Easter
-          ознайомити учнів з традиціями святкування Пасхи в Україні та Великобританії;
-          повторити і закріпити вивчений лексичний матеріал;
-          розвивати навички аудіювання; удосконалювати навички читання та письма; активізувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;
-          виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови та традицій країни, мову якої вивчають.
Обладнання: текст для читання, роздавальний матеріал з завданнями, кросворд, персональний компютер,  відеозапис, аудіозапис, дошка.
Тип уроку: повторення та закріплення вивченого лексичного матеріалу
Міжпредметні звязки: література, географія
Методи та прийоми: робота в парах, групова робота

Перебіг уроку:
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.1.  Привітання:
Т: Good morning, children!
Ps: Good morning, teacher!
T: I’m glad to see you. How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you.
T: Sit down, please.
1.2.  Оголошення теми і мети уроку:
T: I must say we have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to speak about one of the holidays, which is celebrated in spring. We will listen to, read, speak and compare traditions of celebrating this holiday in our motherland and England. But before starting our lesson I would like you to guess what holiday we are going to speak about.  At first, let’s remember holidays you know.
1.3. Warming up:
(слово «holidays» написано на дошці, учні складають асоціограму, вчитель записує їх відповіді на дошці )

T: Very well! You know a lot of holidays! Let’s look at the screen and guess what holiday we are going to speak about.
(Учням демонструється декілька слайдів з святкуванням Пасхи)
Ps: This is Easter.
T: You are right! The topic of our lesson is “Easter”.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
(Учні розподіляються на 3 команди методом жеребкування)
2.1  Повторення лексичного матеріалу.
T: Your homework was to learn words. Look at the screen, please, these words are hidden here in the crossword. Find them and write down, then read. You must find 8 words.
(Команди шукають слова, записують їх і читають вголос, за кожну правильну відповідь команді зараховується бал. Слова не повинні повторюватись).

2.2  Читання.
T: So we have three teams. Each team has a text on the desk. But this text is divided into three parts. Your task is to put the parts of the text in the correct order.
(Діти складають частини тексту в правильній послідовності, команда, яка виконує завдання першою отримує бал)

2.3  Мовлення.Перевірка розуміння прочитаного тексту.
Т: Well done! Answer my questions, please.
1)      When do people celebrate Easter?
Ps: Easter is celebrated on one of Sundays in spring.
2)      What are the traditional symbols of Easter?
Ps:Easter eggs andEaster cakes are the traditional symbols of Easter.
3)      How do we call Easter eggs in Ukraine?
Ps: Pysankas.
4)      Where do people go on Easter Day?
Ps: People go to church.
5)      Who brings chocolate eggs for children in England?
Ps: Easter Rabbit or Bunny brings chocolate eggs.
6)      What are the differences of celebrating Easter in Ukraine and England?
Ps: Children in Ukraine don’t look for chocolate eggs.

2.4  Фізкультхвилинка.

2.5  Аудіювання.

Т: Now you are going to watch some videos about celebrating Easter in England. Be very attentive, please. Your task is to mark which sentences are true and false.

(Учні переглядають відео, виконують завдання,команди по черзі читають вголос, за кожну правильну відповідь отримують бал ).

2.6  Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
T:Very well! The next task is to make up your own dialogues and present them to the class. (Діти складать і представляють свої власні діалоги).

2.7  Письмо.

T:  Your following task is to put words in the correct order to make sentences. Each team should write the sentences on the blackboard.
(На парті у команд знаходяться слова, з яких треба скласти речення і записати їх на дошці).

ІІІ.  Заключна частина уроку.
3.1  Д/з
3.2  Підведення підсумків уроку.
T: Thank you for your work. You were very active and you have done a lot of exercises today. I’m very pleased with you and your work. But the winner is the team number __

Appendix 1 (кросворд)


Appendix 2 (текст)

Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year. Easter is the day when Jesus Christ resurrected. Usually this holiday is celebrated on one of Sundays in spring. Easter eggs and Easter cakes (or paskhas) are the traditional symbols of the religious holiday.
On that day the religious people go to church and listen to the ceremony. Usually they bring with them Easter eggs, salt, Easter cakes, butter, cheese and ham. Some people prefer to bake Easter cakes themselves and others buy paskhas at bakery. In the morning after the end of the ceremony, everyone greet each other with the words “Khrystos voskres!” (Christ is risen!). The proper response is “Voyistino voskres,” (Indeed he is risen). Once the ceremony is over, every family goes home for breakfast.
In English-speaking countries eggs are delivered by Easter Rabbit or Bunny in an Easter basket. Children look for them in the house or in the garden.
Easter Sunday is a day of singing and eating. Many people visit their friends and relatives and exchange Easter eggs.

Appendix 3 (фізкультхвилинка)

Appendix 4. (перегляд відео, аудіювання)

Video 1
1)      Girls are painting Easter eggs (F)
2)      Renee is decorating a basket   (T)
3)      Renee shows Sara a picture and girls laugh (T)
Video 2
1)      Max is in a bunny costume (T)
2)      Picture was taken a year ago (T)
3)      Sara and Max gave children books about Easter (F)
Video 3
1)      Max and Sara stayed up late decorating eggs (T)
2)      Renee and Simon are going to the cinema  (F)
3)      Sara and Max forgot to boil some of the eggs (T)

Appendix 5 (складання речень)
1.      Easter is an important traditional holiday.
2.      Bunny brings chocolate eggs to children in England.
3.      People in Ukraine call Easter eggs “pysankas”.
4.      Paskha is a traditional Easter bread in Ukraine.
5.      We celebrate Easter on one of Sundays in spring.
6.      On Easter Day people go to church.

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